KGB and Museum of Occupation, Tallinn, Estonia

So, there are two places in Tallinn you can emerge yourself in Soviet history. One is on the top floor of the first skyscraper in Estonia, Hotel Viru. It used to serve the KBG as their secret quarters when spying on guests. You can see the place on a guided tour you book in reception, they are in English as well. The guide tells you the whole history of how the hotel was actually built with the purpose of spying already in mind.

They will tell you all about the tricks and sleezy ways the people were watched there – it used to be the only place in Tallinn where guests from the West were allowed to stay. And the view from the terrace is amazing. Definitely worth doing and it takes only couple of hours.
The second place is The Museum of Occupation. A fascinating thou also depressing tale of what was going on over the centuries in Estonia. You also get to see a collection of memorabilia from the Soviet times, old phones, books, trinkets and a massive Lenin head. I think now you can also visit the KGB prison cells. It’s outside of the Old Town but still within walking distance from the city centre.

Hotel Viru and KGB Museum.